Semyon Dukach, founding partner of venture fund for exceptional immigrant founders, joins the Horasis Advisory Board

By Frank-Jürgen Richter

May 13, 2024

On May 7th, the United Nations released its 2024 report to mark World Migration Day. Key findings from the report helped to shed some light into the nuances of global migration. 

For one, migration is at a record high with 281 million international migrants globally. At the same time, 117 million of these migrations were displaced individuals due to reasons including conflict, food insecurity and climate change. 

The report also highlighted the significant contributions that migrants make to overall global development. International remittances surged by 650% between 2000 and 2022, meaning these contributions surpassed those from foreign direct investments to developing nations. 

Detailed investigations like these provide critical insights that highlight both the scale of change and wider impact delivered from migration trends. Semyon Dukach immigrated from the Soviet Union to the US with his family as a child and went on to forge a highly successful career as an entrepreneur and venture capitalist.

Today, Horasis is delighted to welcome Dukach to our Advisory Board where he will offer his counsel and experience on matters related to innovation and entrepreneurship.

Semyon Dukach is a venture capitalist and the founding partner of One Way Ventures, established in 2017 to back exceptional immigrant founders at the pre-seed and seed stage. Dukach believes that the same determination and grit that motivates certain individuals to migrate makes them more likely to have success when tackling the challenges that come alongside building new companies.

Semyon’s family moved to the US when he was a child, and for Dukach this opportunity wasn’t wasted. He went on to secure a place at Columbia University to study computer science before completing his masters degree at MIT. 

After he became immersed in the world of entrepreneurship and innovation, co-founding several technology companies, including Vert and Fast Engines, and leading the Boston chapter of Techstars prior to starting One Way Ventures.

Semyon founded the venture capital fund to support immigrant founders, who while making up 13% of the US population have also founded 55% of all billion-dollar startups in the country.

By sharing the collective experience of its network of advisors and supporters, One Way Ventures helps to democratize access to funding and increase opportunities for talented individuals. The venture fund believes technology must be a force for good, and that all individuals should be given the chance to succeed.