The scale of our global problems is overwhelming and requires more than ever diverse input, including experience,...
Ideas that transform markets and solve complex societal issues do not come fully formed. Or fully funded. Ideas...
A steady source of income is a coveted luxury – more so in the emerging economies of Asia and Africa. These regions...
For the past 15 years my work has centered around strategic advising of startups and larger organizations, which all...
Emerging economies are typically characterized by large populations. The traditional approach has been of first...
At the risk of undermining the very argument we wish to put to you at Horasis lets begin with a quote from Dominic...
Virtual reality is advancing at a rapid rate with new user platforms and affordable headsets making it an ever more...
Although women often represent the majority of those affected by conflict, they have historically been excluded from...
In a New Yorker article titled “Can We Live Longer but Stay Younger?”, Joe Coughlin, founder of the MIT Age Lab,...
The 1960’s were marked by a race to space - both the US and the then USSR were locked in heated competition over...
The term refugee is usually associated with victims of political or religious persecution. According to Article 1(A)(2)...
Technological innovations have ushered in an age of disruption. The digital economy has replaced many age old practices...